Saturday 22 August 2015

A few pictures from the 2015 Consumer Watchdog Conference

Just a few to begin with. More will certainly follow!


The official opening by His Excellency, Former President Mogae.

The service superstars.

The speakers

Tony Leepile, Chair, Mmegi Investment Holdings

Odie Merafhe, Cash Bazaar Holdings

Stuart White, HRMC
Ben Dahwa, Air Botswana
Sandra Moreau, Maano Masisi, Lepata Mafa, Orange Botswana

Connie Matabiswana, MRI
Adam Jones, Wealth Magazine

Kabelo Binns, Hotwire PRC
And the Day 2 workshops included...

Aldo Brincat, a national treasure.
Bogolo Kenewendo, eConsult
Chris Hughes, LEAD
James Fern, SCI Wellness
Mariam and Vish Sethi, IT-IQ
Our Captain for the flight.

Captain Bonni Dintwa, our MC

Kate Harriman, Consumer Watchdog
Richard Harriman, Consumer Watchdog
And finally, the service stars.

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